About us

LinkedIn-1My name is Arti Patel and I am from the United Kingdom. I previously studied BA Marketing at Coventry University and currently I am studying MSC International Marketing.The area of digital marketing that interests me would be augmented reality, as I believe this is an innovative platform, with many applications of interaction with various stakeholders. More details of me are found on my LinkedIn account.

FullSizeRenderI’m the guy shining the spotlight from a small island in the Caribbean into the eyes of the world at large 😀 My name is Romaine Lovell and I am currently pursuing my masters in International Marketing at Coventry University, following the completion of my entrepreneurship management undergraduate degree in my home country Barbados.
My key areas in digital marketing are mobile marketing, social media marketing and display advertising (Augmented Reality). Baring this in mind, there’s no need to go out into the world, we’re about to bring the WORLD to YOU! 😉


My name is Phuong Lien Nguyen and I am from Vietnam. I achieved a bachelors in Economic Laws but I started having an interest in the area of marketing after my internship at IBM. Currently, I am studying International Marketing in Coventry University.
The area I find interesting in Digital Marketing is social media. This area is considered as the important area in digital marketing in many businesses nowadays. Due to the innovation of social media, the businesses can increase their brand recognition and create more opportunity for investments. Besides, the marketing cost can be reduced while still improving the customer insights.


27adf73My name is Lennart Mosselmans and I live in the capital city of the European Union, Brussels (Belgium). I studied BA Marketing-Communication in Belgium and currently I am studying an International Marketing MSc at Coventry University. My preference in digital marketing includes smart phones, tablets, smart watches and other portable devices which will be invented in the near future. More details of me are found on my LinkedIn account.


FullSizeRender-1My name is Jieyi Liu and I am from China. I previously did my undergraduate in fashion marketing. What I like about digital marketing is the ability to shop online. Whereas, other countries use ebay, in China we use Taobao which makes transactions easy and convenient without leaving home.


GetAttachment.aspxMy name is Hawa Sankoh and I am from the UK. I previously studied BA Marketing (Hons) in which I furthered my studies into a masters degree in International Marketing MSc. One area of digital marketing that I find interesting is the ability to model website design across cultures through relationships in building trust, satisfaction and e-loyalty. More information about me can be found on my LinkedIn account: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/hawasankoh

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